It seems like with only a single Christmas speech from Lim's
Temple,DAP finally managed to use the kalimah Allah to divert rakyat's
attention away from the land issue in Kelantan which could not be handled by
Nik Aziz nor Ngeh and Nga.Nik Aziz definitely felt relief and that he owed
something with Lim Temple.
This kalimah Allah issue also managed to slow down
the issue of Hadi's message which has been a huge burden to Hadi Awang, and
that is why Hadi also felt the relief and that he owed something with Lim
Temple.To ensure that thee calmness would go a long way,PAS tried to play with
words by twisting their own statements as they state the party's stand on DAP's
fight to spread Malay-language Bibles and to use kalimah Allah in brochures and
Christians religious references.They are hoping that this issue would put a
stop to other issues which burdens them, at least until the election comes.
we are to refer to all the reports and statements made by PAS leaders which was
published by the opposition's official and non-official websites a few years
back,we would find that PAS strongly and consistently allow the Malay-language
Bibles and kalimah Allah to be used in brochures and religious references as
long as it is not misused.PAS's excuse is that it is to maintain harmony and to
prove that Islam, or their party, is much more open to be compared to UMNO.
However, PAS has never explain their definition of 'misuse'
and did not mention any measures to ensure that the kalimah would not be
misused and what type of actions would be taken if it is misused. It was easy
for PAS to urge the government to allow the distribution of those Bibles, but when
it is misused, they simply blame the government.
When the government took
actions against the case where Malays were turned murtad due to this misuse,
PAS simply stood silence and hide behind the church that they even sacked Dato’
Dr. Hasan Ali for exposing the matter.Today,PAS is also consistent in twisting
their words, to provide space for thsoe Christians to manipulate kalimah Allah.
For that,Harakahdaily reported on the statement made by PAS's Chief Ulama
Council,Datuk Harun Taib saying that MStar made a false report when they
published a story with the headline: ‘Ulama PAS tetap tidak setuju bukan Islam
guna kalimah Allah’ (PAS Ulama Still Disagree With Non-Muslims Using Kalimah
Allah) on January 9, 2013.
According to Harun Taib, the right headline for the report
should have been : ‘Ulamak PAS tetap tidak setuju bukan Islam guna kalimah
Allah di dalam kitab mereka bagi menggantikan perkataan God'. (PAS Ulama
Disagrees With Non-Muslims Using Kalimah Allah In The Bible To Replace The Word
God). This is one of the worse statement which a person who describes himself
as an Ulama.
The matter of Kalimah Allah referring to the word God in the Bible
has never been raised in any of PAS's statements supporting the issue, prior to
the statement. It is because, it is self-explanatory and it does not have to be
explained that kalimah Allah is used to refer to God.That is the issue, if it
is not, it would not have become an issue in the first place.
Harun Taib
probably thought that if it is not used to replace the word God, it might have
been used for other things. Just to be said ??? Or to refer to other things ???
Isn't that even worse and misleading ??? Did he mean that it is okay if the
kalimah is used to for other things ??? What is Harun Taib trying to say ???
Even if he want to twist things, he does not have to twist too much.
The fact
is, either kalimah Allah refers to Jesus,the Father or the Holy Spirit,it is
still an abuse because the whole three is defined by the Christians a an
element which is taken as God. If this is how an Ulama Chief is,so it is not
surprising if a leader referred to as a Temple could use him again. Lets hope
that PAS would not get confused between Jesus and Allah just because they want
to please the Temple,lets hope that they would not turn to slaves for the
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